[NEohioPAL]Borat doesn't pay.

Ensemble Theatre ensemble-theatre at sbcglobal.net
Sun Nov 12 20:36:54 PST 2006

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Hello David, 
  Don't forget what P.T.Barnum said: 
  It is called here in Cleveland, HERE WE GO, AGAIN. Yes, we in the performing arts community here know full well what GOT PAY? means. 
  Ask Jean Zarzour, the lady with the torch as far as UNPAID PERFORMERS go. 
  "Jean Zarzour" <gotpay at gotpay.org>
  There is also another very real truth here. . .When Barnum made his famous 
  statement, which I am sure he coined from first hand experience, knowing his
  penchant for exploiting the disenfranchised, outcasts, misfits, and the deformed
  for his financial gain, he very explicitly implied this other truth. 
  I can do anything I want to you, as long as I can convince you, you'll be 
  famous - the world will marvel, you'll be a star, etc., etc., ad nauseam

  And let me inform you of one more thing. Sacha Boren (?)Cohen  is neither 
  stupid , nor drunk, nor is he a racist. He knew from the beginning what a sensation
  his antics would cause, and he is laughing, AGAIN, hysterically,
  ALL. . . . THE. . . .WAY. . . .TO .. . . THE . . . .BANK!!!

  Martin Cosentino
  Ensemble Theatre of Cleveland 
  pengo at davidhansen.org wrote:
  Interesting. A stupid, drunk racist allows himself to be caught on film
being a stupid, drunk racist, even signing a contract stating that this
film may be shown in public, this film which shows him behaving as
himself, a stupid, drunk racist. This stupid, drunk racist is offered no
compensation, nor expects any, because he stupid and dumb, and drunk.

When said film turns out to be a comedy blockbuster, the stupid, drunk
racist wants his cut of the profit.

Let's go back and forth on this until Fred cuts us off.

David H.

Encore production of Disney's Beauty and the Beast at Beck Center - 12/1 - 12/31. About the '05 production: "shining" "triumph" "outstanding" - James Damico, Free Times; "one of the year's best musicals" - Christine Howey, Cleveland Scene. Call 216-521-2540 for tickets. http://www.fredsternfeld.com/beautyandthebeastencore06.htm
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There is a sister site to this list called the "NEoPAL Bulletin Board." Occasionally when "hot-button" discussions go on more than a day or two, the bulletin board is used: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/neopal/ 
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NEohioPAL at lists.fredsternfeld.com

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<div>Hello David, </div>  <div> </div>  <div>Don't forget what P.T.Barnum said: </div>  <div> </div>  <div>THERE IS A SUCKER BORN EVERY MINUTE, AND HE/SHE ISMARKED AS</div>  <div>FAIR PREYTO ANYONE WILLING TO MAKE AN ALMIGHTY QUICK BUCK. </div>  <div> </div>  <div>It is called here in Cleveland, HERE WE GO, AGAIN. Yes, we in the performing arts community here know full well what GOT PAY? means. </div>  <div>Ask Jean Zarzour, the lady with the torch as far as UNPAID PERFORMERS go. </div>  <div>"Jean Zarzour" <<A href="mailto:gotpay at gotpay.org">gotpay at gotpay.org</A>></div>  <div> </div>  <div>There is also another very real truth here. . .When Barnum made his famous </div>  <div>statement, which I am sure he coined from first hand experience, knowing his</div>  <div>penchant for exploiting the disenfranchised, outcasts, misfits, and the deformed</div>  <div>for his financial gain, he very explicitly implied this other truth. </div> 
 <div> </div>  <div>I can do anything I want to you, as long as I can convince you, you'll be </div>  <div>famous - the world will marvel, you'll be a star, etc., etc., <EM>ad nauseam<BR></EM></div>  <div>And let me inform you of one more thing. Sacha Boren (?)Cohen  is neither </div>  <div>stupid , nor drunk, nor is he a racist. He knew from the beginning what a sensation</div>  <div>his antics would cause, and he is laughing, AGAIN, hysterically,</div>  <div> </div>  <div><STRONG>ALL. . . . THE. . . .WAY. . . .TO .. . . THE . . . .BANK!!!<BR></STRONG></div>  <div><B><I></I></B> </div>  <div>GOT PAY?</div>  <div><STRONG><EM></EM></STRONG> </div>  <div><STRONG><EM>Martin Cosentino</EM></STRONG></div>  <div><B><I>Ensemble Theatre of Cleveland </I></B></div>  <div><STRONG><EM></EM></STRONG> </div>  <div><STRONG><EM></EM></STRONG> </div>  <div><B><I>pengo at davidhansen.org</I></B> wrote:</div>  <BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px;
 MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">Interesting. A stupid, drunk racist allows himself to be caught on film<BR>being a stupid, drunk racist, even signing a contract stating that this<BR>film may be shown in public, this film which shows him behaving as<BR>himself, a stupid, drunk racist. This stupid, drunk racist is offered no<BR>compensation, nor expects any, because he stupid and dumb, and drunk.<BR><BR>When said film turns out to be a comedy blockbuster, the stupid, drunk<BR>racist wants his cut of the profit.<BR><BR>Let's go back and forth on this until Fred cuts us off.<BR><BR>David H.<BR><BR>_____________________________________<BR>Encore production of Disney's Beauty and the Beast at Beck Center - 12/1 - 12/31. About the '05 production: "shining" "triumph" "outstanding" - James Damico, Free Times; "one of the year's best musicals" - Christine Howey, Cleveland Scene. Call 216-521-2540 for tickets.
 http://www.fredsternfeld.com/beautyandthebeastencore06.htm<BR>______________________________________<BR>Neohiopal is SELF-SERVE. If you need to unsubscribe, change from digest to one-at-a-time delivery or vice-versa, go on hiatus while out of town, switch from mime to plain text or vice-versa, etc. check out the FAQS at http://www.fredsternfeld.com.<BR>______________________________________<BR>There is a sister site to this list called the "NEoPAL Bulletin Board." Occasionally when "hot-button" discussions go on more than a day or two, the bulletin board is used: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/neopal/ <BR>_______________________________________<BR>Disclaimer: The facts and/or opinions expressed in this message are solely those of the person in the "from" or "reply-to" header. The fact that this message is posted should in no way be taken as an endorsement by the administrator of this list. Subscribers should perform due diligence for all goods, services and activities
 promoted on NEohioPAL.<BR><BR>NEohioPAL mailing list<BR>NEohioPAL at lists.fredsternfeld.com<BR>http://lists.fredsternfeld.com/mailman/listinfo/neohiopal<BR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR><BR><BR>

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