[NEohioPAL]Baskets Please !

Lana Heylock dance_institute at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 29 15:54:56 PST 2007

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Dear Dance Institute,
  We are so pleased with the donations that we have received thus far for our benefit and we can not thank you enough. We have a nice variety of items, but we would like to spruce up our silent auction with some creative and valuable baskets for patrons' eyes to feast on. 
  We would like your help to create baskets from the following themes or any theme you may suggest. If we can get 5 volunteers to work together to form each basket it would be so appreciated. The baskets do not have to be overly abundant and should not exceed more than a $150-$200 value. If you would like to be a volunteer please reply to this e-mail or call us at 330-972-7949 and let us know which basket you would like to contribute to. 
  Beauty & Spa
  Family Fun
  Coffee & Tea
  Wine & Cheese
  "Your Suggestion"
  Thanks in Advance for Your Help,

Don't pick lemons.
See all the new 2007 cars at Yahoo! Autos.
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<DIV>Dear Dance Institute,</DIV>  <DIV> </DIV>  <DIV>We are so pleased with the donations that we have received thus far for our benefit and we can not thank you enough. We have a nice variety of items, but we would like to spruce up our silent auction with some creative and valuable baskets for patrons' eyes to feast on. </DIV>  <DIV> </DIV>  <DIV>We would like your help to create baskets from the following themes or any theme you may suggest. If we can get 5 volunteers to work together to form each basket it would be so appreciated. The baskets do not have to be overly abundant and should not exceed more than a $150-$200 value. If you would like to be a volunteer please reply to this e-mail or call us at 330-972-7949 and let us know which basket you would like to contribute to. </DIV>  <DIV> </DIV>  <DIV> </DIV>  <DIV>BASKET THEMES:</DIV>  <DIV>Gardner</DIV>  <DIV>Book</DIV>  <DIV>Easter </DIV> 
 <DIV>Beauty & Spa</DIV>  <DIV>Family Fun</DIV>  <DIV>Baby </DIV>  <DIV>Kitchenware</DIV>  <DIV>Coffee & Tea</DIV>  <DIV>Wine & Cheese</DIV>  <DIV>"Your Suggestion"</DIV>  <DIV> </DIV>  <DIV>Thanks in Advance for Your Help,</DIV>  <DIV> </DIV>  <DIV>Nadeen</DIV><p> 

<hr size=1>Don't pick lemons.<br>
See all the <a href="http://autos.yahoo.com/new_cars.html;_ylc=X3oDMTE0OGRsc3F2BF9TAzk3MTA3MDc2BHNlYwNtYWlsdGFncwRzbGsDbmV3Y2Fycw--">new 2007 cars</a> at <a href="http://autos.yahoo.com/new_cars.html;_ylc=X3oDMTE0OGRsc3F2BF9TAzk3MTA3MDc2BHNlYwNtYWlsdGFncwRzbGsDbmV3Y2Fycw--">Yahoo! Autos.</a>

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