mary slowey mslowey at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 9 07:51:33 PST 2007

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  1371 Clague Road
  Westlake, OH 44145
  The comedy, The Constant Wife, by W. Somerset Maugham and directed by Bill Modic, will open Friday, March 2, 2007 and runs through March 25, 2007.
  Performances are at 8PM Thursday - Saturday and 2PM Sundays (no performance Sunday, March 4th).  For ticket information and reservations, please contact the box office at 440-331-0403 Wed - Sat 1-6 PM.
  The Cast:
  Constance - Laura Starnik
  Mrs. Culver - Bernice Bolek
  Mortimer - Matthew Solarz
  Barbara - Maud Holm
  Bentley - Joseph O'Brien
  Bernard - Lou Will
  Marie-Louise - Candace Lipton
  Martha - Elaine Feagler
  John - Bob Goddard
  A comedy about love, marriage, and unexpected romance.  The wife of a high-society surgeon seems to dismiss her husbands affair with her best friend.  The dramatic irony builds as it becomes apparent that her idle indifference is anything but, when she sets about turning the situation to her own advantage.  Complications ensue when an old flame appears and professes his undying love for her

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<DIV align=center><FONT face="comic sans ms" size=3><STRONG>CLAGUE PLAYHOUSE</STRONG></FONT></DIV>  <DIV align=center><FONT face="comic sans ms" size=3><STRONG>1371 Clague Road</STRONG></FONT></DIV>  <DIV align=center><FONT face="comic sans ms" size=3><STRONG>Westlake, OH 44145</STRONG></FONT></DIV>  <DIV align=center><FONT face="comic sans ms" size=3><STRONG>440-331-0403</STRONG></FONT></DIV>  <DIV align=center><A href="http://www.clagueplayhouse.org/"><FONT face="comic sans ms" size=3><STRONG>www.clagueplayhouse.org</STRONG></FONT></A></DIV>  <DIV> </DIV>  <DIV>The comedy, <STRONG><EM>The Constant Wife</EM></STRONG>, by W. Somerset Maugham and directed by <STRONG>Bill Modic</STRONG>, will open Friday, March 2, 2007 and runs through March 25, 2007.</DIV>  <DIV> </DIV>  <DIV>Performances are at 8PM Thursday - Saturday and 2PM Sundays (no performance Sunday, March 4th).  For ticket information and reservations, please contact the box office at 440-331-0403 Wed
 - Sat 1-6 PM.</DIV>  <DIV> </DIV>  <DIV align=center>The Cast:</DIV>  <DIV align=center> </DIV>  <DIV align=center>Constance - Laura Starnik</DIV>  <DIV align=center>Mrs. Culver - Bernice Bolek</DIV>  <DIV align=center>Mortimer - Matthew Solarz</DIV>  <DIV align=center>Barbara - Maud Holm</DIV>  <DIV align=center>Bentley - Joseph O'Brien</DIV>  <DIV align=center>Bernard - Lou Will</DIV>  <DIV align=center>Marie-Louise - Candace Lipton</DIV>  <DIV align=center>Martha - Elaine Feagler</DIV>  <DIV align=center>John - Bob Goddard</DIV>  <DIV align=center> </DIV>  <DIV>A comedy about love, marriage, and unexpected romance.  The wife of a high-society surgeon seems to dismiss her husbands affair with her best friend.  The dramatic irony builds as it becomes apparent that her idle indifference is anything but, when she sets about turning the situation to her own advantage.  Complications ensue when an old flame appears and professes his undying love
 for her</DIV>  <DIV> </DIV>

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