[NEohioPAL]AUDITIONS for Indellible, a new play, at Cleveland State University

E.B. Smith starringeb at gmail.com
Mon Feb 19 06:19:58 PST 2007


TIME: Tuesday, February 20th and Wednesday February 21st both at 6:00
until 8 or 9.  Appointments are encouraged, but not required.  Limited
time is available on Thursday Feb. 22 as well.  CALLBACKS will be
Thursday, Feb. 22.

PLACE: The Upstairs Theatre, Cleveland State University, Chester Ave.
and 23rd St.

MATERIALS REQUESTED:  Headshot or recent photograph, theatrical
resume, and a monologue (if one is prepared). Sides will be provided
to those who do not have a monologue ready.  Please indicate any
dialect work done esp. Southern American.

PRODUCTION DATES:  Times TBD, last weekend of April and 1st weekend of
May.  This production will be part of the CSU Student Play Festival.

CONTACT:  E.B. Smith at starringeb at gmail.com or call (216) 496-5612
for an appointment


Indellible is the story of the roots of the modern civil rights
movement in the North.  Set in Southern Ohio in the 1950's and in
1902, the play explores the means and the obstacles to African
American advancement in post-civil war America.  This play focuses on
the publication of a small black newspaper called the Negro Times,
which has been raising fears amongst whites in this small Ohio River
town of uprising or revolution.


Walter Davidson:  (African American) A self educated entrepreneur,
originally from the deep south, who owns a used clothing store.

Doleda Watkins:  (African American) A widowed mother who works in
Walter Davidson's used clothing store.

Delano/Old Delano:  (Caucasian) A mysterious agent from the south.

Festus Watkins:  (African American) A twelve year old boy who works
for Walter Davidson.  He is the son on Doleda Watkins.

Curtis and Pratt:  (African American) Two young Civil Rights
demonstrators who are in jail for attempting to integrate a lunch

Furman:  (Caucasian) A henchman who works for Delano.

'Bama and Babo:  (African American) Two railroad men who help smuggle
Walter Davidson's newspaper to other parts of the country.  They also
work as sources of news from other places.

William Rochester III:  (African American) An educated northern man
who has come to town to meet with Walter.

Prison Guard:  (Caucasian) A young racist prison guard in 1950.


Compensation will be provided in the form of a stipend upon closing of
--No Actors' Equity contracts are available for this production--


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