[NEohioPAL]i pay your salary

Greta Rothman gretaofoz at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 22 09:54:19 PST 2007

Isn't lovely when people have no clue that the theatre experience isn't all 
about them....and would have the balls to tell you that they pay your 

I used to be a professional house manager and what we did was had the usual 
signs including an annoucnement right before the show that reminded the 
audience that flash photography was not only prohibited but a danger to cast 
members and that the House Manager had the right confiscate any 
cameras......then if someone did take flash pics anyway I would pull them 
aside and tell them that they had two choices....they could give me the 
camera and get it after the show or I could just take all of the film out of 
it right there......they usually gave me the camera. :)
People need to learn theatre etiquette which in this day and age is a lost 

-Greta Rothman

>From: "Pribble Carol" <cpribble at us.edu>
>To: <VanBrujah at aol.com>, 
><warnert70 at yahoo.com>,<neohiopal at lists.fredsternfeld.com>
>Subject: [NEohioPAL]i pay your salary
>Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2007 09:16:48 -0500
>"I pay your salary"....every high school drama teacher's favorite line!
>I did have a father say that to me once. I told him that if he paid my 
>salary he should know that I was hired to run the theatre department, and 
>my job is to do what is best for the productions; flash photography is 
>distracting to both the audience and the actors and therefore not best for 
>the production.
>I also told him that if he paid my salary, I could use a raise.
>From: neohiopal-admin at lists.fredsternfeld.com on behalf of 
>VanBrujah at aol.com
>Sent: Sun 2/18/2007 10:35 PM
>To: warnert70 at yahoo.com; neohiopal at lists.fredsternfeld.com
>Subject: Re: [NEohioPAL]Food and Drink in the Auditorium
>I see this problem in our high school productions all the time. My theory 
>on it is this:
>People have convinced themselves that the rules apply to everyone EXCEPT 
>We also have a small group of parents who  - even though their children 
>have been involved in community and high school theatre for years, and they 
>know better - continue to sneak cameras into performances and shoot flash 
>pictures during them, despite signs and an announcement telling them this 
>is not permitted. Their new thing is to sit in the 5th or 6th row, dead 
>center, where they think we won't be able to get to them and tell them to 
>stop. We actually had to interrupt a performance 2 weeks ago and tell them 
>to stop. One parent actually walked past me with a camera bag, and when I 
>reminded her that she could not take pictures, she insisted that it was for 
>after the show, and she didn't want to leave it in her car. Of course, as 
>soon as the lights went down, out came her camera and the flashes began.
>So here's a good question for all you HS Drama folks out there - What do 
>YOU do when this happens? How far do you press the issue with people who 
>don't mind reminding you that "as a taxpayer, I pay your salary?"
>I'm curious to hear.

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