[NEohioPAL]Reviews for Noah Budin's CD "Metaphor"

Noah Budin nbudin at sbcglobal.net
Wed Feb 21 09:01:21 PST 2007

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The reviews are starting to come in! 

Go to www.coolcleveland.com or more specifically http://www.coolcleveland.com/index.php?n=Main.Current
and scroll about halfway down the page. Look for "Metaphor"

Also, singer/songwriter/recording artist Julie Silver from LA writes (in an unsolicited email):

"...Metaphor is just a beautiful collection of brilliant songs.  Silent Son made me cry.  The truth is, every song was so well written.  The whole vibe of this project is so right.  I learned so much and FELT so much just listening.  You write so well, and your melodies are lovely.  
 Your band is awesome, too.  They sound great.  And the one piece that is recorded live sounds AMAZING.  Not to take a thing away from the sound of your CD, you are meant to be heard LIVE.  I was so inspired by the arrangements, your playing, your writing, and your beautiful voice.  I can't say enough good things about this CD..."

"Metaphor" will soon be available for sale at www.noahbudin.com
In the meantime visit Merkaz Judaica in Woodmere, Ohio
or www.soundswrite.com

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The reviews are starting to come in! <br><br>Go to <a href="http://www.coolcleveland.com/">www.coolcleveland.com</a> or more specifically <a href="http://www.coolcleveland.com/index.php?n=Main.Current">http://www.coolcleveland.com/index.php?n=Main.Current</a><br>and scroll about halfway down the page. Look for "Metaphor"<br><br>Also, singer/songwriter/recording artist Julie Silver from LA writes (in an unsolicited email):<br><br><font face="arial,helvetica" size="3"><font family="SANSSERIF" color="#000000" face="Geneva">"...Metaphor is just a beautiful collection of brilliant songs.  Silent Son made me cry.  The truth is, every song was so well written.  The whole vibe of this project is so right.  I learned so much and FELT so much just listening.  You write so well, and your melodies are lovely.  <br> Your band is awesome, too.  They sound great.  And the one piece that is recorded live sounds AMAZING.  Not to take a thing away
 from the sound of your CD, you are meant to be heard LIVE.  I was so inspired by the arrangements, your playing, your writing, and your beautiful voice.  I can't say enough good things about this CD..."</font></font><br><br>"Metaphor" will soon be available for sale at <a href="http://www.noahbudin.com">www.noahbudin.com</a><br>In the meantime visit <a href="http://store.merkazjudaica.com/">Merkaz Judaica</a> in Woodmere, Ohio<br>or <a href="http://www.soundswrite.com">www.soundswrite.com</a><br>

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