[NEohioPAL][OIFF-News] Call for Film & Video Entries

oiff2001 oiff-News-owner at yahoogroups.com
Mon Apr 23 07:49:23 PDT 2007

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CALL FOR FILMS AND VIDEOS - 2008 Ohio Independent Film Festival  (OIFF)
Presented by Independent Pictures

For Immediate Release: April 22, 2007

Contact: Bernadette Gillota, Artistic Director of Independent
Pictures, presenter of the OIFF, (216) 651-7315.

 The Ohio Independent Film Festival is among the leading independent
film events in Ohio. The 2008 OIFF, In May 0f 2008 in Cleveland, Ohio,
will mark our 21st   festival as well as a change in season for the
event.  Like many festivals, the OIFF is a judged and internationally
recognized line-up of first-class independent films from around the world.

But here's what is unique about the OIFF: it only accepts film and video
submissions *without* theatrical distribution and the festival is
programmed 100% from those submissions.  Additionally, every film and
video entrant benefits from
personal feedback from festival programmers on his or her film.=20

So submit your films and videos! Deadlines to submit films and videos
for the
2008 OIFF are: December 1, 2007; January 15, 2008 (late). Please call
(216) 651-7315, email OhioIndieFilmFest at juno.com, for film and video
entry information. Or visit withoutabox.com to enter via their website.

Independent Pictures is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization established
in 1993. IP
is the proud sponsor of the Ohio Independent Film Festival, Film
Production Training
Program, Fiscal Agent Sponsorship Program, Speakers Bureau, annual
of Photography Workshop, and a variety of curatorial programs.

INDEPENDENT PICTURES' SPONSORS: Audio Visual Rentals, Cleveland Public
Theatre, Community Shares of Greater Cleveland, Filmmaker Magazine,=20=20
Ohio Arts Council, Sherwin Williams.

Independent Pictures
1392 West 65th Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44102
(216) 651-7315
OhioIndieFilmFest at juno.com

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CALL FOR FILMS AND VIDEOS - 2008 Ohio Independent Film Festival  (OIFF)<br>
Presented by Independent Pictures<br>
For Immediate Release: April 22, 2007<br>
Contact: Bernadette Gillota, Artistic Director of Independent<br>
Pictures, presenter of the OIFF, (216) 651-7315.<br>
The Ohio Independent Film Festival is among the leading independent<br>
film events in Ohio. The 2008 OIFF, In May 0f 2008 in Cleveland, Ohio,<br>
will mark our 21st   festival as well as a change in season for the<br>
event.  Like many festivals, the OIFF is a judged and internationally<br>
recognized line-up of first-class independent films from around the world.<br>
But here's what is unique about the OIFF: it only accepts film and video<br>
submissions *without* theatrical distribution and the festival is<br>
programmed 100% from those submissions.  Additionally, every film and<br>
video entrant benefits from<br>
personal feedback from festival programmers on his or her film. <br>
So submit your films and videos! Deadlines to submit films and videos<br>
for the<br>
2008 OIFF are: December 1, 2007; January 15, 2008 (late). Please call<br>
(216) 651-7315, email <a href="mailto:OhioIndieFilmFest%40juno.com">OhioIndieFilmFest@<wbr>juno.com</a>, for film and video<br>
entry information. Or visit withoutabox.<wbr>com to enter via their website.<br>
Independent Pictures is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization established<br>
in 1993. IP<br>
is the proud sponsor of the Ohio Independent Film Festival, Film<br>
Production Training<br>
Program, Fiscal Agent Sponsorship Program, Speakers Bureau, annual<br>
of Photography Workshop, and a variety of curatorial programs.<br>
INDEPENDENT PICTURES' SPONSORS: Audio Visual Rentals, Cleveland Public<br>
Theatre, Community Shares of Greater Cleveland, Filmmaker Magazine,  <br>
Ohio Arts Council, Sherwin Williams.<br>
Independent Pictures<br>
1392 West 65th Street<br>
Cleveland, Ohio 44102<br>
(216) 651-7315<br>
<a href="mailto:OhioIndieFilmFest%40juno.com">OhioIndieFilmFest@<wbr>juno.com</a><br>

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