[NEohioPAL] Female Model Needed Immediately for Life DrawingClass at Beck Center

Marie Bohusch mabenator at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 15:41:21 PST 2008

On Jan 18, 2008 9:48 AM, Brian Bowers <bjbowers4584 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Also, while I agree that the rate for the life models for the Beck Center
> class that originally started this current argument is far too low, I will
> again point out that there is a big difference between a big advertising
> piece where some company is making hand over fist versus a class that's
> purely for educational value. Consequentially, I think lower rates for
> something like the life drawing class are more acceptable than the $25 to
> $50 an hour quoted below for catalogue work and print ads. Personally I
> would never take off my clothes for $11/hr (you'd have to at least buy me
> dinner first), but I think some of the attacks on Beck are a little harsh
> just considering that they are part of the same artistic community that we
> all are.

I think everyone has some fair arguments here.  Hearing from one
NEOhioPAL member that Oberlin was already paying their art models
$12/hr 25+ years ago (twenty five) tells me that the entire
Cleveland/Akron art model market is out of touch.  Average American
income has doubled in the same amount of time.

I think the quality of model a school or community arts program is
going to draw is directly based on their hourly model rate.  While
schools and non-profits should certainly get a little leeway, given
their smaller budgets, the ART STUDENTS who need the models lose out
just as much as the models.

I say kudos to anyone who jumps at such a posting as an opportunity to
FIND OUT whether or not art modeling is something they would like to
do.  It's definitely NOT for everybody.

As to "out of work models", unless they feel like they need some
practice and love the org enough to work for free in the first place,
I'm not convinced $22 once a month is enough to draw in the folks who
have a decent amount of experience under their robes.  Unfortunately,
being a pro bono art model doesn't always build up a model's portfolio
in quite the same way as photo modeling "for CD/prints".

When I was modeling for a friend's art class at the Massillon Museum
in 2003, they were already paying $12.50/hr -- yes, Massillon, with
that walloping huge population of 31K people.  I would hope that
Cleveland non-profits could do a little better than that.

just another two of my cents...


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