[NEohioPAL] THANK YOU to supporters of NEohioPAL - check out the LINK

FSternfeld at aol.com FSternfeld at aol.com
Tue Jan 29 07:05:08 PST 2008

to the list  subscribers who have generously provided 
voluntary financial support to  Neohiopal 
since the request was first sent out several weeks ago.  
_View the list  here_ 
(http://www.fredsternfeld.com/neohiopalsupporters.htm#2008) . 

Copied below is the message that was  sent out at that time.  I hope you will 
consider joining the list of  supporters.  

Dear   Subscribers,
NEohioPAL is now in its tenth year of providing service  to the Performing 
Arts Community. 
Throughout it's history it has been free to all subscribers and  posters and 
will remain free. 
Last year at this time I sent out a request  for voluntary financial support 
and some of you  responded with great generosity.  Thanks once again to  those 
who have supported NEohioPAL!  You can click on _this link _ 
(http://www.fredsternfeld.com/neohiopalsupporters.htm) to see the list of supporters.
There are many costs to run this list:  hosting  fees, software, equipment 
and time.  Expenses have  gone up considerably as the fees from the new hosting 
service  (listserve.com) are four times more per year than the previous 
service  (hostway.com).  

Once again this year, I am asking you to consider  giving voluntary financial 
support to NEohioPAL. 
Some people have written to me asking to post to the list what  amount would 
be appropriate.  Historically, the contributions from  individuals have ranged 
from $10 to $100, and from organizations $25 to  $200.
As you are deciding whether or not to give, please consider  these 

What has been the value of NEohioPAL to your  organization or career?  
Has it saved you money?  
Helped you  get a job?  
Assisted in promoting your event, auditions, classes or  camps? 
Kept you informed about happenings around town? 
Assisted in  selling a personal item?
If it is within your means and you choose to provide  voluntary financial 
support - please click on the _paypal  link here_ 
rrency_code=USD&lc=US&bn=PP-DonationsBF&charset=UTF-8) , 
OR send a check made out to "NEohioPAL, Ltd." and send  to:
NEohioPAL, Ltd.
c/o Fred Sternfeld
24021 Halburton Rd.
Beachwood, Ohio 44122
Thanks for your participation in making the arts scene in the  Northeast Ohio 
region vibrant and collaborative.
Warm Regards,
Fred Sternfeld
NEohioPAL founder and administrator
PS - I will post this message to NEohioPAL several times over the  next few 
weeks and then not ask again until January of next year.   Information on how 
to support NEohioPAL will always be in the footer of  every  posting.

**************Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.     
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