[NEohioPAL] Thank You from Carousel Dinner Theatre

Tony the8rgod at earthlink.net
Wed Jun 11 04:18:01 PDT 2008

I would like to thank everyone that participated in the Carousel Dinner 
Theatre free scenery give-away.  Hopefully you were all happy with your 
treasures;  and, we did not have to pay for more dumpsters, nor did we 
further contribute to a landfill.

BUT WAIT - That's not all.  If you act now, you can get even more free 
scenery !!

Yes, that's right, we still have scenery from many shows that is 
perfectly usable, and we are still trying to give it away !!  Have you 
checked the price of lumber or steel lately?  We are out of storage 
space and are trying to shoe horn in recent productions.  And NO, the 
good stuff is not all gone.

We have some pieces from at least the following shows:

    * /Cats/
    * /Fiddler on the Roof/
    * /Smokey Joe's Cafe/
    * /Showboat/
    * /Carousel/
    * /Honky Tonk Angels/
    * /Music Man/
    * /South Pacific/
    * /Oklahoma/

   ( We have stuffed two 40 yard roll off dumpsters with flattened 
scenic elements and the rest is slated to go the same way)
   There is much that, when dismantled, can be reused as raw materials.  
I do not have man power to so do.
   We are not getting rid of any props
And still there's more !!  Can you believe it ?
We also have the full /Always, Patsy Cline /set (preserved in stretch 
wrap) that we produced about 5 years ago.

_For Sale:  _
Complete set from our 2008 production of /King and I.  /I could describe 
it as beautiful, outstanding, magnificent, fabulous, but the critics and 
audiences already did that.  Call for details

So if you are even thinking of doing a show this upcoming season that 
yuo could use some of this scenery for, do not hesitate to come to the 
shop (not the theater) and pick it up.  Bring a large truck and help.

_Shop Location:_
Canal Place
540 S. Main
Akron, OH  44311

Please contact me to arrange day to get FREE SCENERY

Thanks to all, and I hope to see many

Tony E. Kovacic
tkovacic at carouseldinnertheatre.com
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