[NEohioPAL] Still Seeking Extras

Krista S. thebridemovieextras at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 23 10:03:38 PDT 2008

"The Bride and the Grooms," an independent romantic comedy movie by Plain Dealer Sports Copy Editor Butch Maier, seeks extras for two days of shooting in July in Northeast Ohio. These are unpaid roles, but food will be provided. There may be opportunities for speaking parts, which would result in a deferred-pay contract. Either way, this is an opportunity to help a shoestring-budgeted local production and possibly appear in a feature-length motion picture.
On Thursday, July 24, 100 extras are needed at The Taverne of Richfield, 3960 Broadview Road, Richfield, Ohio. The call time is 5:30 p.m. outside of the main entrance. The scene is a present-day fifth college reunion dance, so extras need to be able to portray 27-year-old college graduates. The attire is semiformal. The shoot is scheduled to last until around midnight, but extras will not be allowed in after the beginning of the shoot.
On Sunday, July 27, 500 extras are needed at Bath United Church of Christ, 3980 West Bath Road, Bath, Ohio. The call time is 9 a.m. outside of the main entrance. Roles will be wedding guests at two weddings and two wedding receptions. The attire is formal. Please do not wear anything flashy or distracting, or you might be turned away. The shoot could last until after midnight. If you plan to stay after dinner for the second wedding and reception, please bring a change of clothes or have a way to alter your look. The longer you stay, the better chance you have of being in the movie. The time frame is present day, late summer. Further information about the movie and cast (including Michael Heaton) can be found at http://www.myspace.com/thebridemovie  
Please respond by sending your resume, day (s) you can work and head shots to Krista at thebridemovieextras at yahoo.com  by June 29. You must have submitted your info in order to be checked-in on these days. 

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