KillingTimeLTD at aol.com KillingTimeLTD at aol.com
Wed Aug 13 11:08:47 PDT 2008

Killing Time Ltd. is still seeking (2) actors for the following roles  for an 
interactive murder mystery to be held on September 13 in Vermilion:  
    *   Professor: male, clean cut teacher type; mid 30's  
    *   First Mate: male, very naive, mid 20's to mid 30's
    We are looking for actors able to spoof  the cast of "Gilligan's Island".
    (if you have no idea what "Gilligan's Island is,  Google it.)
    It pays $100 and may lead to more work as we  are losing a few of our 
stock players.
     We are looking for responsible, like minded  team players who can take 
direction well. While the show is book heavy,  improvisational skills are 
welcome as from time to time you'd be engaging with  the audience. Comedy chops a 
plus. Stage experience a given.
    Rehearsals are generally held on Saturdays and/or  Sundays from 10 am - 2 
PM in Euclid. There is a possibility of one evening  rehearsal during what 
would normally be called "tech week" if this was an actual  stage show. We are 
currently looking at August 17 as the table read date.
    If interested, please send current photo and resume  along with a daytime 
phone number that you actually answer to _killingtimeltd at aol.com_ 
(mailto:killingtimeltd at aol.com)  for  consideration as we will be moving fast on this.  

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