[NEohioPAL] Keep Government out of the Arts

Marty Gaydos martingaydos at earthlink.net
Sun Feb 1 21:10:58 PST 2009

What people have to realize is that this bailout stuff is setting the Government up for
being the savior of everything. The next recession, which will happen, businesses will
line up for their freshly printed bailout funds. Each business will give a piece of their
action to the Government. It's almost like organized crime. You go to the loan shark, you
give up a piece of your livelihood. It's like the Government is trying to keep us from 
failing. Everyone goes through failure, it's part of life. Failure sets you up for success. 
I read last week that Citi bought a $50 million luxury jet, the press and a bunch of 
politicians were (on cue) outraged at the frivolous expense. Normally it would be nobody's 
business what a private company does with their money, but now that the Government owns 
part of the bank, they don't have that freedom to spend their money their way. Citi soon
canceled the order for the Jet. Hopefully businesses who currently have their hands out
will think twice about giving up their freedom. I loved the Congressional hearing where
the committee ripped the auto companies for running a their business into the ground. 
That's a laugher. All the Government does is rack up more and more debt, if you ran a
business like the politicians do, you'd have been bankrupt long ago. 

The problem with the economy right now is that people are afraid to spend their money. 
With all of the layoffs recently, people are very wary to purchase anything that's not
necessary. Now we have a Government that wants to borrow and print money to try and fix
the economy. Sorry, it's not going to work. You can't counterfeit your own currency and
expect good results. Printing trillions of dollars makes our dollar worth less and less.
The more that's out there, the less they're worth. Why can't politicians figure that out?
I'm just waiting for Ben Bernanke and Tim Geithner to fly into my neighborhood dropping 
bags of cash to get people to spend. Oh yeah, I hope everyone is getting ready for hyper
inflation in the next 3-5 years. Look for bread to be $5-8 a loaf. 

How about cutting taxes? Ever hear of that? Cutting taxes has been proven time and time
again to boost the economy. The US has the highest corporate taxes in the world, could 
that be one of the reasons that they've moved most of their operations overseas? Let 
the people keep more of their money instead of taking it in the first place. Cut spending 
and put people back to work. Don't give me these BS make-work projects either. Those jobs
depend on the Government, which is a bad thing. The Government has proven that they can't
do anything but spend into oblivion. I want private sector jobs where the politicians 
don't make the decisions. 

I don't know about you, but I don't need anyone to hold my hand through life. I'll make my own 
decisions, and if I fail, I fail. I'll get myself out of it and I'll feel better for doing so. 
Any well made building is supported by strong cornerstones working together to support the 
structure, it is not supported by a bunch of weak members trying to mold themselves into one. 
The stronger individuals we have, the stronger a society we'll have. 

I'm going to bed. 


-----Original Message-----
>From: Terrence J Smith <smith at tennisamigo.com>
>Sent: Jan 31, 2009 5:21 PM
>To: neohiopal at listserve.com
>Subject: [NEohioPAL] Keep Government out of the Arts
>The purpose of governments is to protect us from hostile nations and from
>criminals and settle disputes in the courts.  Keep the government out of
>the arts, out of banks, out of autos, and out of our pockets.
>All this bailout stuff is just breeding the mentality of 'I want to get
>part of the loot.'  I participate in the arts through acting and music
>performances, and if art is going to remain free (as in freedom) it can't
>be chained down by some bureaucrat determining who gets support, telling
>you what you can or cannot create.
>As government starts getting into business, they are telling executives
>how much money they can make, that any more than that is "shameful" (as
>Obama put it).  Artists, male or female, must be paid according to the
>market, not by voting for some legislation.
>Terry Smith
>North Olmsted
>MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR CTC BENEFIT: Collectively Speaking ... Cleveland Theater Collective Celebration February 9, 2009, 7:30pm!!
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