[NEohioPAL] I need a German accent VO artist

MARTIN, JOHN jmartin at valspar.com
Tue Mar 3 05:01:30 PST 2009

I need to put together a short video for my work. Nothing big, just
for a presentation I have to make. We all have to take turns and mine
is up. I am going to do mine as a video. I need someone who can do a
German accent to record the narration on a cd for me so I can lip sync
it (I will be wearing a bushy mustache so it doesn't have to sync
perfectly). No money involved here, it's just that I can't do a German
accent very well. Anyone interested and willing please e-mail me at
jmartin at valspar.com <mailto:jmartin at valspar.com> .
This is short, maybe 2 minutes and is NOT a
corporate video. Just something I am doing personally instead of
boring people with a dry talk.  I know most aren't interested when it's
for free, but I hope someone can help.


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