Amy Smialek asmialek at magnificaths.org
Wed Sep 2 06:58:49 PDT 2009

Magnificat High School is still accepting high school men
to audition for the HUGE Broadway musical RAGTIME!

This is a GREAT opportunity for guys to play good parts
in a HUGE high school show!

Missed Monday and Tuesday's vocal auditions?
No problem!
Here are some options you still have if interested:

Wednesday: Dance Audition
Come after school (it's fine if you're late but try to be there by 5pm) for your regular dance audition (over by 6:30).  You can stay after to do your vocal audition OR you can do your vocals on Thursday.

Thursday: Callbacks
Even though this is a callback day, you can choose to come and do your vocal audition and/or dance audition around 5pm.

Come join the fun and the performance of a lifetime!
Hope to see you there!!!

Magnificat High School
20770 Hilliard Blvd.
Rocky River Oh 44116

asmialek at magnificaths.org<mailto:asmialek at magnificaths.org>

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