[NEohioPAL] Ohio Shakespeare Festival's 2011 Season - Volunteers Needed

Ron Cuirle ron at cuirle.com
Sun Jun 19 16:27:14 PDT 2011

*Ohio Shakespeare Festival* <http://www.ohioshakespeare.com/>
performing at Stan Hywet Hall & Gardens

Prepares to open it's 10th season with performances of *Love's Labours Lost*
 and *Richard III*

*As in previous years, OSF is seeking the help of volunteers*

Once duties are complete, all volunteers are invited to watch the
performance for free and, as an added bonus, will be given *one
complimentary ticket for each day they volunteer*. This ticket is good for
any performance as a thank you for giving us your time. Please, click
through, see what positions are still open and become a volunteer!


Please forward any questions to:

Ron Cuirle
Volunteer Coordinator
volunteer at ohioshakespeare.com
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