[NEohioPAL] "Race" At Lakewood's Beck Center

Kory Ontheradio radiokory at gmail.com
Wed Oct 26 12:27:27 PDT 2011

The regional premiere of David Mamet’s Race is playing now at Beck Center For The Arts. The entire premise for the show can be summed up in one line from the first Act, “There is nothing. A white person. Can say to a black person. About Race. Which is not both incorrect and offensive. Nothing.” The writing is stellar, as is three quarters of the 4 person cast. Unfortunately, the weak performance is enough to pull you right out of the show.

Read more: http://q104.radio.com/2011/10/25/race-at-lakewoods-beck-center/#ixzz1buxUfUKg

Radio Personality | Photographer | Theatre Critic

radiokory at gmail.com

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