[NEohioPAL] Broadway World Cleveland Awards - a caveat

Robert Hawkes rhhawkes at gmail.com
Thu Nov 8 03:17:22 PST 2012

One would like to congratulate friends and colleagues nominated for the
Broadway World Cleveland "Awards". And so I do, but I do notice a
certain...softness in the process, visible in the following inaccuracies:

Dan Folino is nominated in both Equity and non-Equity categories (for the
same performance) because the nominations come from ANYbody, and SOMEbody
didn't know the difference, and NObody is checking. Alison Garrigan is also
nominated as Alison Hernan because some "nominator" remembered her previous
name and didn't bother to check. Zac Hoogendyk is nominated for an Equity
role in "MilkMilkLemonade" at convergence-continuum, a play in which he did
not appear and the cast of which had no Equity members anyway. Somebody saw
Zac Hudak in the play and misremembered.

Who knows what might emerge from further investigation?

So while I offer my congratulations, I think I will abstain from voting in
a contest the integrity of which seems questionable.

yrs in the good fight

Robert Hawkes
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