[NEohioPAL] Second Date Added! - Casting Call for web series "To New Beginnings"!

Jasmine Golphin via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Sun Sep 21 12:48:21 PDT 2014

I am figuratively blown away by the response this little old post got the
first time around! Hopefully this additional day means we will be able to
see more of you lovely thespians!


WHAT:* To New Beginnings* is a web series about that time between knowing
you have to make a change and actually having to make it. Season one
follows six very different people as they learn this lesson for themselves.
Lead roles are for actors of all races that can play mid to late twenties.
Lead role descriptions are below, actors for the supporting cast and
featured extras will be needed as well.

WHERE:*Gypsy Bean & Baking Co, 6425 Detroit Ave. Cleveland Oh 44102*

WHEN:* Sunday Oct 5th 11am - 4pm *

HOW: *Schedule your audition at jasmine.celluloid at gmail.com
<jasmine.celluloid at gmail.com> (no walk-ins!). * Please send a head shot and
acting summary in your email. Be ready to preform a short monologue at the

>    - Sierra (black/mixed)- quiet, nerdy and shy. Coming out her shell is
>    not going to be easy but she's going to try
>    - Joshua (white/race flexible) - charismatic ladies man. Known more
>    for his sexual conquests than his intelligence, he's looking for a new
>    challenge to prove himself.
>    - Lee (race open) - amateur painter and dancer, Lee's family problems
>    are derailing her collegiate goals
>    - Roxie (white) - high energy, unable to sit still. Always the loudest
>    in the room, she has to be the center of attention wherever she goes.
>    - Darren (race open) - sarcastic and reserve, he plays everything
>    close to the chest and is always aware of his surroundings.
>    - Michelle (black) - driven, professional but with a off-beat sense of
>    humor, Michelle finds that being in a black upper class power couple isn't
>    all it's cracked up to be.
WHO: This new series is written and directed by Jasmine A. Golphin, who has
worked on several feature films, shorts, documentaries, promos, commercial
work and various nerdy fan-boy videos that live in the darkest corners of

Her most recent credits include the documentary *Project 31 *as
co-director, cinematographer and editor  (IMDB page
<http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3392656/?ref_=nm_flmg_dr_1>), *Thanksgiving at
the Morgans* as writer, producer and turkey dinner catcher (which received
Honorable Mention at the 2013 Short. Sweet. Film. Fest. and was shown at
OIFF), the documentary short  *On Deck: The MEV Story* (which won second
place in Octavia Spencer's Short Film Contest) and this one Instagram video
that got a lot of likes one time.
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