Mark . via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Tue Nov 3 19:21:16 PST 2015

Local feature film being produced in Cleveland area seeking two to three
1971 hippies for short exterior scene.   Looking for white males with
natural long hair and black males with natural afros. No wigs. Must appear
to be late teens to late 20's in age.  Early 70's hippie wardrobe a must.
The roles are speaking extras. Possible shoot date the afternoon of Sunday,
November 8 in Lakewood. Compensation is food on the set; film credit; and
DVD copy of movie when completed. Interested gentlemen should contact
Robert Swanson at 216-618-8124 and/or milroypicturesvideo at gmail.com

Thank you for your interest.

Milroy Pictures
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