[NEohioPAL] Piano Tuning and Service - Call Today!

David Spondike via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Tue Nov 3 17:07:42 PST 2015

It’s piano tuning season!
Winter time means dryer air and dryer air means your piano will go flat.
And of course, the holiday shows are just around the corner.

If your regular tuner is booked, or you do not have a regular tuner, give me a call or drop me an email. Don’t be left out in the cold with an out of tune piano.

Schedule your tuning today!
Appointment times available: 330-801-0089
davidsfinetuning at gmail.com

Visit my webpage at http://www.davidsfinetuning.com
Join me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/davidsfinetuning/

David’s Fine Tuning & Piano Service
“Hear the difference.”
Serving greater Akron, Cleveland, and northeast Ohio.
PTG Associate Member

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