[NEohioPAL] Fwd: Get the most out of your voice

Paul Kroeger via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Tue Jun 7 17:00:05 PDT 2016

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Paul Kroeger <letgo2sing at gmail.com>
Subject: Get the most out of your voice

Lessons with an experienced teacher will help you get more out of your
voice and your interest in singing.

I have taught State Karaoke champions, barber shoppers, speech club winners
as well as legit and theater singers.  I don't give up on the elderly or
those who have not sung in decades.
Singing is at the heart of the human experience.  Breathing is the key to
improving it, so you want someone who can teach you what you don't already
know about it or to remind you.  Is it time you did some lessons?

Call or reply to this email.

Paul Kroeger   216-741-4762  and letgo2sing at yahoo.com
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