[NEohioPAL] Appts. Still Available~~~Annie Baker's BODY AWARENESS {Beck Center} 6/12 & 6/13

Scott Spence via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Tue Jun 7 17:44:28 PDT 2016


*BODY AWARENESS** by Annie Baker*
*Directed by David Vegh*

*Please prepare one monologue of no more than 90 seconds from
a contemporary **naturalistic play. **{If you opt to not prepare a
monologue in advance, sides will be provided to cold read at the audition.}*

*Audition Dates:**   Sunday June 12 from 6 to 8pm*
*                              Monday June 13 from 7 to 9pm*

*Callbacks:**           Saturday June 18, time TBA*

*Appointments can be made by calling The Beck Box Office @ 216-521-2540 x10
<216-521-2540%20x10>.        *{9AM to 7PM Mondays through Saturdays, and
Noon to 4PM Sundays}*  Initial Audition Call appointments will be in 5
minute increments.*

*Rehearsals Begin: Tuesday, September 6.*
*Production Dates: October 6 – November 6 (Fri/Sat Nights & Sun afternoons)*

*Characters:  2 women.  2 men.*

*Phyllis**:* Mid to late 40s.  Joyce’s partner.  Highly rational,
dyed-in-the-wool feminist. Psychology professor.

*Joyce**:* Early to mid 50s.  Phyllis’ partner.  Curious and open-hearted.
High School teacher.

*Jared**:* early 20s, Joyce’s son. Hyper-intelligent, but can be volatile
and blunt to the point of cruelty. May or may not have Aspergers Syndrome.

 *Frank**:* Late 50s – early 60s.  Self-possessed.  Defiantly un-P.C.
Photographer of artistic nudes.

*There are 1-2 Equity contracts available (Special Appearance Tier One) for
this production.                    All actors 18 and over receive a
stipend for their participation. *
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