[NEohioPAL] Looking for "fake" turkey prop for "The Dining Room"

Christopher Bizub via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Fri Sep 8 10:41:33 PDT 2017

Hello Neopal Users;

   I am currently directing a production of "The Dining Room" for Bay
Village Community Theatre and we were looking for a "fake" turkey for our
Thanksgiving scene. I am wondering if any of the local theatres have a prop
like that? If so, would it be possible for us to borrow from you? (would
consider renting it, if we had to) Our production runs Sept 22-Oct 1, it
would be nice to have the prop by 9/18.  Please contact me at
cmb164 at zips.uakron.edu or 216-820-0674 if you can provide me at  with any


Chris Bizub
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