[NEohioPAL] Ohio Shakespeare FIGHT NIGHT, $15 ($10 students) this Monday--single swords

via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Fri Sep 8 10:21:01 PDT 2017


September FIGHT NIGHT:
7:00-8:30, September 11
All for one and One for all
Join the FIGHT NIGHT team as we fight with single swords and teach some of the choreo and tricks from our upcoming show: The Three Musketeers: An Adventure, with Music.   
 [ http://www.ohioshakespearefestival.com/monday-fight-night/ ]( http://www.ohioshakespearefestival.com/monday-fight-night/ )
$15 admission ($10 students)
Ohio Shakespeare Festival at Greystone Hall
103 South High Street
Akron, Ohio 
...tell everyone about fight night!  Join us at Greystone on each month on a Monday night for a 90 minute focus class from Fight Director Ryan Zarecki.  Best professional development investment you'll make all month.
 [ Get tickets ]( https://www.showclix.com/event/monday-fight-night ) in advance or pay at the door.Ages 14+.  
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