[NEohioPAL] AUDITIONS for "All in the Timing" at Medina Showbiz

Christopher Bizub cmb164 at zips.uakron.edu
Sun Oct 15 18:23:05 PDT 2017

"All in the Timing"
by David Ives
Directed by Chris Bizub

Monday, November 6 from 7-10PM
Tuesday, November 7 from 7-10PM
Call backs (by invitation only): Saturday, November 11 from 1:30-4:30PM

Auditions will be held at the Haddad Theater, (Inside the County
Administration Building) 144 N Broadway, Medina, OH

Audition Information:
All roles are open.

All ethnicities considered, and the stated age ranges are flexible.

Since this is an evening of one-acts the director plans to cast each
actor/actress in multiple roles throughout the evening, so expect to be in
2-3 of the one-acts.

Auditioners should be prepared to read from the script, and may be asked to
sing "Happy Birthday."

January 19-28
Haddad Theater, (Inside the County Administration Building)
144 N Broadway, Medina, OH

Casting Information:
BETTY – Female, 20s-30s (Young, upper-middle class, college educated woman)
BILL - Male, 20s-30s (Young, upper-middle class, college educated man)
SWIFT – Male, 20s-50s (A monkey being tested in a lab to see if it'll write
Hamlet by Chance)
KAFKA – Female, 20s-50s (A monkey being tested in a lab to see if it'll
write Hamlet by Chance)
MILTON – Male, 20s-50s (A monkey being tested in a lab to see if it'll
write Hamlet by Chance)
DON – Male, 20s-40s (Energetic teacher of "nonesensical" language)
DAWN – Female, 20s-40s (Shy woman with a terrible stutter)
Man – Male, 20s-60s
PHILIP GLASS – Male, 30s-60s (Famous 20th Century American Composer)
WOMAN #1 – Female, 30s-60s (An ex-lover of Philip Glass)
WOMAN #2 - Female, 30s-60s (Woman #1's friend)
BAKER - Male, 20s-60s
AL - Male, 30s-60s (In a "Los Angeles" everything roles off his back, cool
as a cucumber)
MARK - Male, 30s-60s (In a "Philadelphia" no matter what he asks for he
can't get it)
WAITRESS - Female, 20s-50s
TROTSKY - Male, 40s-60s (Marxist Russian revolutionary)
MRS. TROTSKY - Female, 40s-60s (Natalia Sedova, Trotsky's 2nd wife and an
active revolutionary herself)
RAMON - Male, 20s-40s (A Spanish communist and Trotsky's assassin)

SURE THING. Two people meet in a cafe and find their way through a
conversational minefield as an offstage bell interrupts their false starts,
gaffes, and faux pas on the way to falling in love.

WORDS, WORDS, WORDS recalls the philosophical adage that three monkeys
typing into infinity will sooner or later produce Hamlet and asks: What
would monkeys talk about at their typewriters?

THE UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE brings together Dawn, a young woman with a stutter,
and Don, the creator and teacher of Unamunda, a wild comic language. Their
lesson sends them off into a dazzling display of hysterical verbal
pyrotechnics—and, of course, true love.

PHILIP GLASS BUYS A LOAF OF BREAD is a parodic musical vignette in
trademark Glassian style, with the celebrated composer having a moment of
existential crisis in a bakery.

THE PHILADELPHIA presents a young man in a restaurant who has fallen into
"a Philadelphia," a Twilight Zone-like state in which he cannot get
anything he asks for.

VARIATIONS ON THE DEATH OF TROTSKY shows us the Russian revolutionary on
the day of his demise, desperately trying to cope with the
mountain-climber's axe he's discovered in his head.

If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail the director at
cmb164 at zips.uakron.edu
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