[NEohioPAL] Wake Up And Live: Tweens & Teens Coaching / Tutoring

sue holland johnson suehollandjohnson at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 15 18:44:05 PDT 2017

WakeUp And Live:    Tweens & Teens Coaching /Tutoring

Do you, your student need help with Language Arts /English studies? Or, do your youth actors need help with understanding charactersand scripts?

Wecan help!

Here are some examples of the areas we can helpwith.

1.     Comprehension: Understanding what the words say & mean.

2.    Vocabulary,spelling, definitions

3.    Setting,Character, Plot, Theme

4.    Characters:  Interpreting & analyzing who they are,and how they fit into the story.

5.    Grammar,Punctuation, /Quotes

6.    Also– Social Studies / History: US & World & Basic Science

Students can’t get all the attention& learning in the school setting, or rehearsal process. One-on-one sessionscan givethe individualized attention which helps the student, or youth actorbecome more successful in the classroom & in rehearsal.

Wantmore details, or sign up for an after-school or Saturday session?

Contact:wakeupandlives at gmail.com

Sue Johnson

Director: Wake Up And Live’s Actors’ Studio

Producer: “Wake Up And Live With Arts”

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