[NEohioPAL] LAST NIGHT! Near West Theatre AUDITIONING lavish production of The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Kelcie Dugger KDugger at nearwesttheatre.org
Thu Feb 8 09:36:30 PST 2018

Near West Theatre announces AUDITIONS for
Spring Intergenerational Show (Ages 16 and up)
February 6, 7 & 8, 2018

Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Come one of these evenings. Plan to stay for the entire time specified.
See list of roles below!

The Hunchback of Notre Dame runs
May 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19 & 20 2018
*Correction* Rehearsals begin Sunday, February 18, 2018

St. Luke's Episcopal Church
(1349 West 78th St., Cleveland, OH 44102)

If you are unable to audition on the dates listed above, or you have questions,
call our office at 216-961-9750, Mon.-Fri. 11am-4pm
or EMAIL info at nearwesttheatre.org<mailto:info at nearwesttheatre.org>

I am thrilled to be directing THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME this coming Spring.
Near West Theatre is mounting an operatic-scaled version of this remarkable show, based on the Disney hit movie.
     Mark your calendars for AUDITIONS, Feb 6, 7 & 8.  We are looking to build a 50-60 member cast that is heavy on STRONG SINGER/ACTORS as the choral music in this show is off the charts in majesty, beauty and complexity.  I am fiercely inspired to explore this show's mature themes (abuse of power, moral hypocrisy, sexual predation, dehumanization of person's with various physical deformities) and dedicated to creating an edgy, beautiful and dark version of this story.
     Having taken a directorial hiatus since MARY POPPINS last spring, I can't wait to create again with NWT veterans, and audition new artists to the Near West Theatre experience.  Please help us spread the news:  THE HUNCHBACK is coming to Near West Theatre and we need actors, singers and dancers who are craving an intimate, explorative, powerful theatrical experience. It will surely challenge everyone involved to rise to the vast vision of Victor Hugo's timeless masterpiece!

This is a group audition in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. No experience or preparation required. Dress for movement. Please plan to stay for the entire time specified, and arrive 15 minutes before audition time to register. Anyone arriving after the starting time will not audition that day.

At Near West Theatre we encourage everyone to audition. People of all experience levels, races, ethnicities, neighborhoods, sizes, gender identities and backgrounds are needed. We use theater to build community and relationships. We're a great place to express yourself and make friends.
Come try us! Bring a friend!


In 15th century Paris, Notre Dame Cathedral stands in the heart of the city, a fortress of self-proclaimed righteousness and moral authority. Its citizens move through the streets together but separate: soldiers, gypsies, priests and beggars. The rich and the poor. Predatory and proud. They will do anything to survive. Quasimodo, the hunchbacked son of the bishop's brother, rings the church bell and longs to live "out there".
At the annual Feast of Fools, these worlds come together in a frenzy of drink and debauchery and elect Quasimodo the "King of Fools", igniting a cataclysmic descent into a street war of forbidden love, betrayal and religious hypocrisy. Hateful torches are raised. The gypsy and the fool are in a stand-off with all of Paris. There is sanctuary for no one as true goodness and evil are exposed and the fury reaches an apocalyptic boiling point.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame is the only stage collaboration from two masters of the American musical theatre, composer Alan Menken and lyricist Stephen Schwartz. This brand new production is high theatre, boldly told through stunning choral music and sublime orchestral power. Songs include "Out There", "Top of the World", and "God Help the Outcasts."

Music By Alan Menken Lyrics by Stephen Schwartz
Book by Peter Parnell

Quasimodo- The deformed bell-ringer of Notre Dame and Claude Frollo's charge. Lonely and staunchly obedient to Frollo, he possesses a vivid imagination that brings to life the bells and gargoyles of the cathedral. Despite his shyness and uncertainty, he quickly befriends Esmeralda. Big-hearted, and brave when need be.

Claude Frollo- Archdeacon of Notre Dame Cathedral and the most powerful cleric in Paris, he is the reluctant caretaker of Quasimodo. He will do whatever it takes to rid the city of the gypsy "vermin," even as he lusts after Esmeralda. Calculating, manipulative, and obsessive.

Esmeralda- A beautiful and free-spirited gypsy who possesses the strong sense of justice and morality that Frollo lacks. Compassionate, she frees Quasimodo from the frenzied mob at the Feast of Fools and, against her better judgment, falls for the cocky Phoebus.

Captain Phoebus de Martin- Returning to Paris after serving in the war, Phoebus takes up his new position as Captain of the Cathedral Guard. Overconfident yet charming, this handsome, strong soldier makes the ladies swoon, yet his moral compass is also strong, and he openly defies the corrupted Frollo.

Clopin Trouillefou- The clever and charismatic King of the Gypsies. An air of mystery surrounds Clopin, who often leaves the scene in a puff of smoke. As the master of ceremonies for the Feast of Fools, he is witty and playful, but he boasts a darker, serious nature when not performing for the crowd.

Jehan Frollo- Claude's reckless younger brother. With the gypsy Florika, he fathers Quasimodo, who he leaves in his brother's care. Wild, passionate, and strong-willed.

Florika- A gypsy and Quasimodo's mother.

The Ensemble- Gypsies, gargoyles, soldiers, and citizens of Paris.
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