[NEohioPAL] Free presentation Sept. 20: “Planning for Art Collections"

Jessica Paine jpaine at clemetrobar.org
Tue Sep 10 06:51:25 PDT 2019

“Planning for Art Collections – Information for Enthusiasts and Collectors” – FREE public presentation by the Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts<http://www.clemetrobar.org/VLA> of the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association<http://www.clemetrobar.org/>

Sept. 20, 2019
5-6 p.m.
78th St. Studios, Hedge Gallery (1300 W 78th St, Cleveland, OH 44102)

Whether the art adorning your private space or work space is a personal passion or a business investment, come learn about important issues such as loaning art, insurance, and how to document and prepare your collection for eventual transfer or sale.

At this free public presentation, speakers will address such topics as:
•         What to do if your business owns an art collection? How do you loan personal art collections to your business and why would you do this?
•         How to establish value? How to document and prepare you collection for transfer to your heirs?
•         What can be insured? When are appraisals recommended and sometimes required?
•         Can art be an investment? Can you take a loan out against your artwork?  What are the benefits of diversified portfolios?

•         Amy Wojnarwsky, McDonald Hopkins LLC
•         Carrie Pinney, Cowan's Auctions, LLC
•         Rebeca Glanton, Chubb
•         Heather Frutig, J.P. Morgan Private Bank
Moderator: Jaclyn M. Vary, Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP


Questions? Call the CMBA at (216) 696-3525 or email jpaine at clemetrobar.org<mailto:jpaine at clemetrobar.org>.
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