[NEohioPAL] INISFREE by Margaret Lynch | September 16

Playwrights Local playwrightslocal at gmail.com
Sun Sep 15 07:42:50 PDT 2019

Playwrights Local Presents
A Free Staged Reading


*Written by Margaret LynchDirected by Caroline Jackson Smith*

*Monday, September 16 at 7:00 pm*

Free with no tickets or reservations required
Open to the public | Recommended for adults & teens


*Synopsis:* Two women in their 30s—an American cousin, recently divorced,
and an Irish cousin, who has recently left the convent—come together in
Ireland in the summer of 1986, when Ireland is about to vote on a
referendum to legalize divorce. Both women are in a state of personal
crisis, but the Irish cousin’s struggles with manic depression are coming
to a head. A series of interspersed “ancestor monologues”—snapshots of
women from their shared family past—provide a historical counterpoint as
the two women confront conflicts between responsibility to self and others.

Playwrights Local
Creative Space at Waterloo Arts
397 East 156th Street | Cleveland, OH 44110

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