[NEohioPAL] Cleveland Orchestra Youth Chorus Auditions - Online Video Submissions OPEN!

Harbaugh, Jill JHarbaugh at clevelandorchestra.com
Tue Sep 8 09:25:45 PDT 2020

Cleveland Orchestra Youth Chorus 2020 Auditions - Online Video Submissions OPEN!

Open to Singers in Grades 9-12!

The Cleveland Orchestra Youth Chorus is seeking enthusiastic singers in grades 9-12 to submit solo videos for the 2020-21 season auditions. Each audition will culminate with a virtual 10-minute interview with the directors, via Zoom, on Sunday, September 13. Students are welcome to prepare their own solo or choose a piece from the solo selections we have provided on our website. Everything students need to sign up for auditions can be found at coyc.cochorus.com<http://coyc.cochorus.com/>.

The Youth Chorus 2020-21 season will begin the first week of October. Rehearsals will be held online in fall 2020 (October - December), with a virtual performance planned for December. Decisions for spring 2021 will be made as we receive updated information about the status of the pandemic. To learn more about the Youth Chorus, please visit coyc.cochorus.com<http://coyc.cochorus.com/>, or email chorus at clevelandorchestra.com<mailto:chorus at clevelandorchestra.com>.

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