thsthingovourz at aol.com thsthingovourz at aol.com
Tue Nov 2 16:31:32 PDT 2021

GreetingsWe are seeking one female to co-host an audio/video bi weekly horror Podcast beginning this winter, pertaining to a horror novel, aired in audio format in episodes, with cast. Body type non-descript, age range (21 to 50s), please read on...
In addition, you must love the horror genre of films and books, have great energy and presence in front of the camera and also a sense of humor, with the ability to play well with others, in other words...NO DIVAS PLEASE! We are not necessarily  in search of model types, we ARE seeking a co-host that does have an appealing look in front of the camera. 
Please send your bio, CURRENT PHOTO with a phone contact. This means we will want to speak with you via phone should you be in the running for the co-host position, NOT in endless text messages & E-mails.Payment for your work will allotted once sponsorship is garnered as we proceed along with the episodes.I thank you for your interest and hope to hear from you soon, break a leg!
Best WishesWJCasting Director for "Pinebrook"
PS: For info regarding the novel, please check our Facebook link below
Pinebrook, An Audio Novella of Horror | Facebook

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