[NEohioPAL] Save the date!

Joseph Bauer joeybauer1967 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 2 17:01:24 PDT 2021

You’re invited to a world premiere! This link admits you to view a free
Zoom video performance of the riveting drama, “Star Time,” on Sunday, Nov.
14th at 4 p.m. Eastern Time/1 p.m. Pacific Time.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 884 2160 5568
Passcode: STARTIME

Tormented by Hollywood, a hip-hop phenom and TV/big screen golden boy tells
all: his perilous climb to the top and where all the bodies are hidden
along the way. Featuring veteran actor Gideon-Patrick Lorete and written by
Joseph Bauer, this adult piece leaves shock-and-awe in its wake; a master
class on living the Dream and paying the staggering price for glamor, glory
and gold.
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