[NEohioPAL] Sherwood auditions at Curtain 440 (revised)

Mark Cipra cipram at sbcglobal.net
Wed Mar 16 04:50:09 PDT 2022

*Curtain 440 announces auditions
for the rumbustious, swashbuckling, swordfighting
/"Sherwood: The Adventures of Robin Hood"/ by Ken Ludwig.
*Curtain 440 <https://www.curtain440.com/>

Packed with thrills, romance, laughter, and immortal characters like
Little John, Friar Tuck, and Maid Marian, Sherwood: The Adventures of
Robin Hood tells the enduring story of a hero of the people who takes on
the ruthless powers that be.

Director: Mark Cipra (cipram at sbcglobal.net)
Fight Choreographer: Kelly Tapager
Dance Choreographer: Ann Fairhurst*

We want a diverse cast of ten actors to play eight central roles and
many other characters. All actors will be engaged in stage combat. Where
possible, roles will be cast without regard to gender. Actors are not
compensated. We are seeking actors aged 16 and up.

Auditions at Celebration Lutheran Church, 10621 Auburn Rd, Chardon:
Sunday, March 27, 1:00-3:00pm
Monday, March 28, 6:30-8:30pm
Callbacks will be on Thursday, March 31, 6:30-9:30pm.

Be prepared to read from the script (English accents required). Dress to
engage in dance and stage combat. Special talents such as instrumental
music and acrobatics welcome.
*Robin.* The flamboyant hero of legend.
*Marian*. Robin's neighbor. The original Action Girl.
*Friar Tuck*. The narrator and Merry Man. Older, but still ready to fight
*Little John.* Imposing fighter with a tender side.
*Deorwynn. *An ingenue that Ludwig had to invent.
*Sir Guy.* Robin's nemesis.
*Sheriff of Nottingham.* Sir Guy's bumbling right hand man. (Or woman.)
*Prince John.* Pretender to the throne.
*Two minions.* Versatile and agile. (Get out your "Foreign Accents" guides.)
*Performances are outdoors, June 17-19 and 24-26 at Celebration 
Lutheran Church in Chardon.
Rehearsals begin (sporadically) on April 10.*

Mark Cipra

"When in doubt, end with a jig" - Robin McCauley
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