CVActor cverbelun at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 15 22:11:56 PDT 2022

                   ACTING BY MISTAKE A class taught by: William Roudebush

Below arethe dates for my NEWLY ADDED session of ACTING BY MISTAKE on ZOOM. 

ACTING BY MISTAKE is a practicalguide to auditioning, rehearsing and performance that leads actors to trustthemselves, utilize their fears, create from their mistakes and head toward amore positive process. 

CLASS BEGINS: Tuesday March 22nd, from 6:30pm to 9:30pm and runs consecutive Mondaysfor through May 3rd. ALSO: (If there is interest) A new session could alsobegin Monday March 21st. (Contact me if interested)

LOCATION:  On your computer or I-Phone

COST: $325 for 6 consecutive 3 hour sessions

CLASS SIZE LIMIT: 6 (You will work every session)

If you wish toenroll please do so as soon as possible to reserve your slot…ENROLL TODAY!!

TO ENROLL: Contact William Roudebush by email roudebushwilliam at gmail.com      

Every actor should take a moment and look at their process via Zoom for threereasons: 
1. It’s all a close-up. Tricks are clearly revealed. 
2. You get a full playback of everything you did in every class. You canfollow your own progress. 
3. We work on camera technique.


“Bill’s uncanny genius is knowing how the actor and the playcan work together like a Swiss watch.” WilliamMastrosimone, playwright.

“For several years, I’ve only been partially able toarticulate, or utilize, what Bill’s book, and his teachings have brought rightout into the middle of things, where I have begun to believe they belong, andwith blazing clarity. Austin Pendleton,actor, director, playwright & master teacher.

“I loveworking with Bill in his ACTING BY MISTAKE workshops. I’ve been taking hisworkshops for over two years now. He gets us to ‘connect’ with the character inan organic way. He helps us allay the normal fears we have as actors, and ourneed to get it ‘right’, by creating a playful process in which we focus more onthe character’s experience than getting the exact words of the text correct inthe rehearsal process. That is so freeing. I’m feeling much more confident nowin how I approach a character and trust that organic process of developing acharacter.” John Sannuto, Chair, TheatreDepartment, Long Island University.

For background information on ACTING BY MISTAKE log on to www.xlibris.com 

For background information on William Roudebush log on to www.williamroudebush.com 

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