[NEohioPAL]Reach across the isle

Nadia Beau nadiabeau at ameritech.net
Sat Nov 6 06:26:28 PST 2004

Nina McCollum

I thought the neohiopal list is a place for artist to post things about 
the industry. There are political forums that handle your feelings.

After reading your letter I would like to share some thoughts with you. 
I think you should read some of Obama's comments about the election. As 
a nation, it is our elected leaders that form our law and policy. This 
is basically done by our Congress and Senate...not the president. 
Although he holds the veto in his hands, all the hamering is done by the 
congress. These are the people who have set our course. We have to share 
our thoughts with them to make change. Has your elected congressmen ever 
initiated a bill to change our health care system? For that fact, Mr. 
Kerry in his 20 years of service has never initiated or co-sponsered a 
bill about health care. Even when Mr. Clinton took office in 92 with a 
majority in the house and senate, a bill was never introduced to fund or 
revamp the health care system. Mrs. Clinton was put in charge of this 
task. We need to hold our local congress representative responsible.
Obama speaks of coming together as Americans. We are people of different 
beliefs and we come together to accept the decision of the many. We 
don't say...well since i don't like your choice... I'm not going to 
play. That is not an American! Reaching across the isle means to 
comprimise. If you don't want to play there will never be any comprimise 
and the looser will be you. (almost a direct quote from Obama)

As for the war in Iraq.... Our congress and senate were behind it. We 
gave an ultimatum to Saddam and he refused to comply. All he had to do 
was let the inspectors in and have unlimited mobility. It was his course 
of action that provoked our world. We gave this country a wonderful 
freedom by removing Saddam. This guy made Hitler look like a friend. As 
for our military...they joing to protect this country. They are 
warriors. They are trained to KILL. That is what a warrior does. As a 
part of their benifit package they can avail themselves of educational 
benifits. Anyone who joins the miltary and does not expect to be trained 
to kill the enemy need to do a lot of reading. If you joined the 
military to just get an education, you should have read the contract. 
The one that you swore allegence to. I have 3 brothers who are in the 
military and have all served at the front. The youngest just came back 
the other day. My family is all Military. The reason some military 
member have for not supporting Mr. Kerry is that he has voted down pay 
raises for them for his 20 years. We have junior members of the military 
eligible for food stamps. That is wrong. Mr. Kerry was quick to come out 
with a "Plan" to help our military. Higher pay and better quarters for 
living. The proper equipment to do the job. Why did Mr. Kerry not adopt 
a plan before now. Why did he vote down all the initiatives up till now. 
Under Mr. Clinton, he helped reduce the size of the milirary to pre WWII. 

As for jobs.... if so many jobs were lost....someone must have found 
them. Our national and state by state unployment is on the way back 
down. If you want to help our economy. Do you know what one of the most 
dramatic things we all can do???? The number one expenditure from the 
average American household is for a house. When this transaction is 
completed the money passed from one American to another. The money stays 
here and is used by all in the course of business. The number 2 
expenditure is for an automobile. If you by your Honda, the profits 
leave this country and go overseas and is passed around by other 
peoples. Some people say that at least some of the vehicles are made 
here in this country. That auto worker is going to build autos no matter 
who he/she works for. It is all about where the profits go. BUY 
AMERICAN. You will help us all out. Be a Team player.

We all need to start reaching across the isle. What company ever became 
successful when 1/2 the employees are fighting with the other 1/2.  If 
we have hard times, we need to come together. Give me examples of how to 
come together. Don't just throw DARTS!!!


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