[NEohioPAL]why all the fuss?

e p lilmiss716 at yahoo.com
Thu May 26 22:52:24 PDT 2005

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

i know that these postings for the pay vs no pay should go on the sister site, but i just feel i need to say these things:
i know we all would love to get paid all the time for all the projects we do, but we all know, that while any kind of artist is starting out, that is the way it goes. and as you get more experience, join unions, get agents, yada yada yada, you can be more choosey about what projects you pick to be a part of. after reading the responses to the posting for the educational dvd, i was offended and i didn't even post the project. there is no need for that kind of language and harshness. if you don't agree with a project because of pay or it doesn't sound like something you'd be interested in, then don't respond to it. it's that simple. any kind of project whether paid or not can be a learning experience for the actor and the person who's running the project and it can also be a networking possibility for future PAID projects at a later time. it's a shame that people are getting turned off from this wonderful free community of artists and may be missing out on good opportunities because
 people are afraid to post auditions for fear of getting yelled at by people they don't even know. my feeling is, unless you know something is shady/sketchy and-or people would be putting themselves in some kind of danger, by all means speak up. but this whole thing with people "protesting" against certain projects is ridiculous.just make up your own mind about what you want to do or not want to do.... not to be a cheeseball, but let's support each other instead of attack each other. geez.   

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<DIV>i know that these postings for the pay vs no pay should go on the sister site, but i just feel i need to say these things:</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>i know we all would love to get paid all the time for all the projects we do, but we all know, that while any kind of artist is starting out, that is the way it goes. and as you get more experience, join unions, get agents, yada yada yada, you can be more choosey about what projects you pick to be a part of. after reading the responses to the posting for the educational dvd, i was offended and i didn't even post the project. there is no need for that kind of language and harshness. if you don't agree with a project because of pay or it doesn't sound like something you'd be interested in, then don't respond to it. it's that simple. any kind of project whether paid or not can be a learning experience for the actor and the person who's running the project and it can also be a networking possibility for future PAID projects at a later time. it's a shame that people are getting turned off from this wonderful free community of artists and may be missing out on good opportunities
 because people are afraid to post auditions for fear of getting yelled at by people they don't even know. my feeling is, unless you know something is shady/sketchy and-or people would be putting themselves in some kind of danger, by all means speak up. but this whole thing with people "protesting" against certain projects is ridiculous.just make up your own mind about what you want to do or not want to do.... not to be a cheeseball, but let's support each other instead of attack each other. geez.   </DIV>

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