[NEohioPAL]"NBTV" the pilot episode to air on Adelphia Sept 5th at 10:30pm

PierogiProductOH at aol.com PierogiProductOH at aol.com
Sun Sep 4 12:54:50 PDT 2005

We wanted to let everyone know that our pilot episode for
"NBTV" will be airing on Monday, September 5th at 10:30pm on Adelphia cable Channel 26 or 52 at 10:30pm.  This will be the first airing of our pilot episode which we hope you will enjoy, so please 'tune-in' and watch on Monday night.

We would appreciate it if anyone who can watch the episode, if they could take a moment and visit our website at:
and then sign the guestbook with their comments about what they thought about the episode (good or bad).

And also 'bear' in mind that at "NBTV," technical difficuties and station problems are normal, so you will experience some sound issues, bad camera shots and a whole bunch of other problems, all thanks to Chad Owens, "NBTV's" station co-owner and because all of the equipment at the station is circa 1945-1965.  

"NBTV" is a cross between "The Muppet Show" and "SCTV," or as someone keeps reminding me, it's a cross between "Big Chuck" and "Big Bird."  "NBTV" has absolutely "no educational value whatsoever" and can be watched by everyone at home; even the family pet.

So please 'tune-in,' watch the episode and let us know what you think.  Thank you.

Kirk Lawrence Maynard
President & Puppet Director
Natural Bridges LLC
PO Box 30688
Cleveland, Ohio 44130
Phone: 1-888-866-4877
Email:   President at thenaturalbridges.com
Web:     www.thenaturalbridges.com
“If you can dream it, we can create it.”

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