[NEohioPAL]"Cracked" Haunted house fund raiser.

Greg T. arcsmith at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 28 07:23:54 PDT 2006

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Come to the main Location where Jack Smith does some of his most terrifying killings see the blood spattered kitchen where he cut up the squatters. Conversate with Chandler in low tones as he stays hidden just outside Jack's perception.
  Avoid the mantraps set thruout the house. Stay for the paintball reenactment of his battle with Rutger Banes. Even participate as a combatant.Get copy and credit in Cracked if you're fortunate enough to get into a scene we're shooting. Try to spot Jack before he puts your eye out with a  slingshot Rescue Jessie from the electric Chair.
  Follow the clues to find the cache of arms and cocaine.
  Enjoy yourself as you see fit but remember Jack's house is like a roach motel intruders get in but they never get out.
  4073 E 91st 44105 mid to late October Times to be announced  15 dollars
  Cracked t shirts 10 dollars proceeds to help finish the movie.
  Cast members playing their roles live.

Gregory Tatnall
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<div>Come to the main Location where Jack Smith does some of his most terrifying killings see the blood spattered kitchen where he cut up the squatters. Conversate with Chandler in low tones as he stays hidden just outside Jack's perception.</div>  <div>Avoid the mantraps set thruout the house. Stay for the paintball reenactment of his battle with Rutger Banes. Even participate as a combatant.Get copy and credit in Cracked if you're fortunate enough to get into a scene we're shooting. Try to spot Jack before he puts your eye out with a  slingshot Rescue Jessie from the electric Chair.</div>  <div>Follow the clues to find the cache of arms and cocaine.</div>  <div>Enjoy yourself as you see fit but remember Jack's house is like a roach motel intruders get in but they never get out.</div>  <div>4073 E 91st 44105 mid to late October Times to be announced  15 dollars</div>  <div>Cracked t shirts 10 dollars proceeds to help finish the movie.</div>  <div>Cast members
 playing their roles live.</div><BR><BR><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=blue size=3>Gregory Tatnall</FONT>

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