[NEohioPAL]Holiday Greeting

Renee Matthews matt4jack at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 21 08:18:50 PST 2006

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Dear Mr. Sternfeld,
  I would like to apologize to any people on my mailing list that are Jewish who may have been offended by my holiday message that had the name of Christ in all caps when spelling out the word; Christmas.  I got an email this morning that was critical of my message.  In no way was it designed to offend or create controversy,  I admit my short-sightedness to my fellow Jewish constituents, and would like to make amends in the form of this letter of apology.
  I am a Poet.  The "peace and prosperity in the blink of an eye" prayer was written metaphorically but makes it no less of a wish for ALL.  It was also my plan to send out Holiday, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa greetings to those on that same list.  I respect each one in the religion of their choosing, as well as those who choose not to claim a religion.
  Again, please accept my apologies for any offense that may have been rendered with my wishes for this holiday season.
  Renee Matthews-Jackson

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<DIV><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#800000 size=3>Dear Mr. Sternfeld,</FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#800000 size=3></FONT> </DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#800000 size=3>I would like to apologize to any people on my mailing list that are Jewish who may have been offended by my holiday message that had the name of Christ in all caps when spelling out the word; Christmas.  I got an email this morning that was critical of my message.  In no way was it designed to offend or create controversy,  I admit my short-sightedness to my fellow Jewish constituents, and would like to make amends in the form of this letter of apology.</FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#800000 size=3></FONT> </DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#800000 size=3>I am a Poet.  The "peace and prosperity in the blink of an eye" prayer was written metaphorically but makes it no less of a wish for ALL.  It was also
 my plan to send out Holiday, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa greetings to those on that same list.  I respect each one in the religion of their choosing, as well as those who choose not to claim a religion.</FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#800000 size=3></FONT> </DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#800000 size=3>Again, please accept my apologies for any offense that may have been rendered with my wishes for this holiday season.</FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#800000 size=3></FONT> </DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#800000 size=3></FONT> </DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#800000 size=3>Sincerely,</FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#800000 size=3></FONT> </DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#800000 size=3>Renee Matthews-Jackson</FONT></DIV><p> __________________________________________________<br>Do You Yahoo!?<br>Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the
 best spam protection around <br>http://mail.yahoo.com 

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