[NEohioPAL] Do you post to NEohioPAL? Remember, No graphics or attachments, please ...!

FSternfeld at aol.com FSternfeld at aol.com
Fri Jan 18 12:29:37 PST 2008

Dear Subscribers,
Postings with pictures / graphics have slipped through again over  the last 
few days.
I want  to clarify again the policy on attachments and  graphics.  
Attachments  and graphics are not permitted in NEohioPAL postings.   
I review  all postings and reject the postings with attachments and graphics. 
When I  reject them I always refer the post to the neohiopal faqs at 
_http://www.fredsternfeld.com/faqs.htm_ (http://www.fredsternfeld.com/faqs.htm)   so 
they can review complete posting instructions and then resubmit with  
I have  been able to screen out over 95% of the postings with graphics.   The 
 reason some postings are approved with graphics is by accident.  The system  
only shows me a 'request for posting' in html form and only a partial section 
of  the body of the e-mail. Sometimes I simply can't tell there are 
attachments or  graphics. An unfortunate flaw in the system, but I'll continue to do my 
best to  make posters stick to the policy.

Fred  Sternfeld
_http://www.fredsternfeld.com_ (http://www.fredsternfeld.com/) 

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